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August 21, 2012

Photo albums from D-Day Conneaut

What a fantastic weekend in Conneaut, Ohio for the annual D-Day reenactment. Tons of photos and video are being posted but here are a few select sources to wet your appetite.

JBW Photography

Mike Oakley
Great pics from all of Saturday including a lot of Baker Company in the "Bridge Battle" and as straight-leg infantry on Omaha Beach.

D-Day Conneaut website

Mark Gaynor and Chris Bauer
Official photos from the event. The first 40 or so are up but nearly 20,000 are being processed. Again, Baker Company and our Omaha alter egos seems to be a camera favorite.

B-25 Fly-By
As close as it gets! The B-25 gives us a very close buzz as the Allies form up at the embarkation point.

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