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August 31, 2009

Field Training Exercise for November

Members of the organization will participate in a weekend field training exercise on 13-15 NOV 09 being conducted by the 83rd. The location is Centerburg, Ohio (just northeast of Columbus). There will be a nominal fee for barracks accommodations and chow.

In addition to the standard training cycle, there will also be live fire marksmanship training. Ammo will be issued by the NCOIC at the range under very controlled, monitored conditions. This is your chance to see how good you really are or aren't with your M1.

Please contact Patrick Eddy at if you plan to attend. More orders will follow.

August 22, 2009

SITREP: Ride Through History

EVENT: 25-27 SEP 09 - Alliance, OH

I had a very good meeting with the folks from the Marlboro Volunteers who host Ride Through History here in Ohio. I was given a tour of the facility and layout. We also discussed the various activities at the event. My report follows.

LOCATION: RTH is held on the property of the old Taylorcraft factory in Alliance, Ohio where the L2 Grasshopper spotter planes were built and tested during World War II. The runways behind the plant are now overgrown with woods and brush. This is the area where the living history and history "vignettes" are held for roughly 2000 spectators over the weekend.

CAMPS: Throughout the woods, various areas have been cleared to feature living history camps from the Revolution, Civil War, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam.

The WWII camp area is split between the German and Allied set ups. In addition to our Allied Airborne personnel, the 4th Armored will also be there with an M20 Armored Car and Halftrack.

Our camp will be very simple. We will have a US wall tent as a CP. This will give Robert a chance to come up with a really cool set up for his Warrant Officer impression. Supporting the CP, we will be able to construct several above ground fighting positions using logs, dirt and sandbags. The reason for no fox holes is demonstrated by the German trenches from last year. The water table is so shallow at this location that the trenches continually fill with water. We will be able to use our camo net and additional canvas to build out our fighting/living positions. As we get closer to the event, we can discuss the arrival time of our personnel so we can work together to build our camp.

VIGNETTES: The RTH actually takes place on the other over grown runway. Spectators board several military troop trucks and travel down a trail progressing through a Revolutionary War redoubt where soldiers are engaged, a Civil War artillery firing supported by Federal cavalry, a WWII Market Garden period engagement between Germans in bunkers and Airborne in a building (finally with support of US armor). A Korean period US engineering unit working on a project, and finally a Vietnam era US infantry squad engaged in a rice paddy. Each of theses "vignettes" last about 10 to 15 minutes (the total spectator ride runs about 45 minutes). Just think of watching your favorite scene from Band of Brothers, and then going back to the beginning of the chapter on the DVD to watch it again. That is what we will be doing. Over and over.

The actual rides run from 0900 hrs to 1600 hrs Saturday and Sunday. Those not engaged in the vignettes will be in the living history camps talking with the public. If we have enough personnel, we can do a rotation to give everyone a bit of a break and a chance to have chow.

OTHER ACTIVITIES: There will be a lot to see and do for those who have friends and family wishing to attend. In addition to the aforementioned, there will be a military vehicle display and motor pool where personnel will be performing field maintenance on vehicles from various periods and talking to the public. A stage area will feature programming including a demonstration of military small arms from flint locks to current weapons. There will also be vendors selling militaria.

REENACTOR AMENITIES: There is NO registration fee for participants. A complete field kitchen and mess tent will be set up. If you wish, you can buy a $15.00 meal ticket good for the entire weekend and includes two breakfasts, two lunches, and dinner. All participants with have 24 hour access to water, lemonade, iced tea, and coffee at no charge.

The event will be providing a limited amount of blank .30-06 ammo, as well as some .30 carbine rounds to the US reenactors.

ROLL CALL: I will need to provide the event organizers with a head count by the beginning of September. I would like to request that all Airborne participants (para and glider) please email me with confirmation of your attendance no later than 5 SEP. Please provide your name, rank, and the unit you represent. You do not need to be a member of our organization to participate. We are happy to have you!

If you have any questions or comment, PLEASE do not hesitate to drop me a message.


Christopher L. Smith
1st Allied Airborne Reenactors

August 12, 2009

Airborne photos

There are some great Airborne photos posted to our Facebook Group from other reenactors around the world.

Check it out! 1st Allied Airborne Facebook Group

August 10, 2009

Dennison AAR

This past weekend 5 of our group took part in the reenactment at Dennison, and in my opinion it was by far the best event that we have been to since we started our group.

The Germans had a very strong defensive position with 4 log and earth bunkers all connected by trench works,and surrounded by barbed wire. It was impressive to see!! We spent the weekend in pre-dug foxholes using anything we could find for cover, and were under mortar attack most of the weekend. We attacked from those positions 3 times, the last being a successful attempt. A photographer from the times reporter was there and has pictures posted on there web site...even has a few of us.


I hope next year we can get a better turn was a blast. I wont be missing it!

Patrick Eddy