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August 24, 2012

Baker Company hosts Market Garden tactical in 2013

For several years, there have been discussions between reenactors about organizing a Market Garden World War II reenactment in and around the Ohio village of Zoar. Due to the area's founding by German Separatists in 1817, the geography very much resembles the Germany/Holland/Belgium regions. In cooperation with Camp Tuscazoar, things have finally come together.

The Camp Tuscazoar WWII Tactical will be held on October 12-13, 2013 and hosted by the 1st Allied Airborne Reenactor's Baker Company (502nd, 101st ABN). Camp Tuscazoar is a facility of the Boy Scouts of America built in the 1920s and steeped in history ( The Camp will have all of the amenities we need and provide reenactors with the proper housing, food and other amenities, as well as several hundred acres on which to conduct operations.

This event is specifically a non-spectator tactical. Due to certain limitations, there will be a need to cap the number of participants. If your unit is interested in attending, please email Chris Smith (

At this time, the planning team is developing the details on logistics and registration information. To stay up to date, you can visit our Facebook page at Make sure to click on the LIKE button. We will also continue to post information at

August 23, 2012

2012 Baker Company Annual Meeting

3 NOV 2012
1000 hrs - 1300 hrs
356th Fighter Group Restaurant
4919 Mt. Pleasant Rd.
North Canton, OH


Please mark your calendars for the 2012 Baker Company Annual Meeting. As you know, we only have one official meeting each year. The purpose is to review the season that we are just ending and to plan for 2013. There will also be nominations and elections for squad NCOs and organization chairman.

We will start promptly at 1000 hrs. The meeting will only be two to three hours long ensuring we cover everything. Following the meeting, we will have lunch at the 356th Fighter Group.
Uniform of the Day for Baker Company members will be M-42s with jump boots and overseas caps (clean, press and polish). Tie with your wool shirt optional.

This meeting is open for all members including those who are brand new or thinking of joining. There is no better way to find out what we do and how we do it.

Please RSVP to  

August 21, 2012

Photo albums from D-Day Conneaut

What a fantastic weekend in Conneaut, Ohio for the annual D-Day reenactment. Tons of photos and video are being posted but here are a few select sources to wet your appetite.

JBW Photography

Mike Oakley
Great pics from all of Saturday including a lot of Baker Company in the "Bridge Battle" and as straight-leg infantry on Omaha Beach.

D-Day Conneaut website

Mark Gaynor and Chris Bauer
Official photos from the event. The first 40 or so are up but nearly 20,000 are being processed. Again, Baker Company and our Omaha alter egos seems to be a camera favorite.

B-25 Fly-By
As close as it gets! The B-25 gives us a very close buzz as the Allies form up at the embarkation point.

August 13, 2012

WARNING ORDER - D-Day Conneaut

TO:  All personnel, B/502
SUBJ:  Unit details for D-Day Conneaut

  1. We currently have 8 personnel from Baker Company attending the event this weekend. There will be an advanced party (Penix and Gaynor) going up Thursday afternoon. Please let me know if anyone else is planning to join them. The rest of the squad will be going over Friday morning and evening.
  2. The squad will have the pyramidal set up in the Allied camp. Please bring your cot. If you have a period wooden folding chair, please bring it. There will be a few extras.
  3. Check-in and on site registration will begin on Thursday 1000 hrs. to 2100 hrs. and continue Friday 1000 hrs. to 2200 hrs. If you have NOT pre-registered, there will be a $10 walk-on fee.
  4. There will be plenty of food on-site. Bring your mess kit!
  5. Our standard impression for the weekend will be M42s in D-Day configuration (jump boots, helmet nets with scrim). This will also be our normal impression in camp. Covers to be overseas caps. We will however have a different impression for the beach scenario only (more on that in a moment).
  6. For those of you who will be there early FRIDAY, at 1700 hrs. will be the "Battle for Foucarville" (hopefully by the end of the battle, you will be able to drive all of those German Fourcars out of there). Our impression for this scenario will be 101st Airborne.
  7. SATURDAY at 1100 hrs will be "The Battle for La Fier Bridge". This will also be an Airborne scenario.
  8. After the above scenario, we need to beat boots back to camp for those who are also participating in the beach landing. This will require a change out of some equipment and uniforms to portray regular infantry. Please see a previous email from Mark Gaynor about uniforms and equipment. If you are still missing anything, there will be a HUGE number of vendors at the event including At The Front.
  9. The beach landing scenario begins at 1500 hrs (embarkation formation at 1430 hrs). We have been invited to fall in under Lt. Rob Guinta (of "Ride Through History" fame) and members of the 78th Infantry Division).
  10. As a final note, there will be a USO dance Saturday evening (2000 hrs.). Please wear your dress uniform or at least wool shirt with tie.
  11. As with all scenarios, we will be provided with information on our roll by Sgt Penix once he has received the details.
  12. The unit will pack up and depart Sunday morning after breakfast. Please let me know if you have any questions. If you would like to see a detailed schedule, please go to


Pvt. Christopher L. Smith
Company B, 502nd PIR - 101st ABN

August 2, 2012

Roll call for D-Day

Hello troopers,

It is already August and the D-Day event in Conneaut, OH August 17-18 is almost upon us. The unit plans to set up Friday the 17th, participate on the 18th, and stay over till Sunday morning. A warning order will be coming out with more details. The plan is to set up the pyramidal.

At this time I need to get a head count from members of Baker Company, 101st so I can report this information to Sgt. Penix. Therefore, please answer the following questions in an email to:
  1. Will you be attending?
  2. When will you arrive and depart (i.e. are you coming Friday night and staying until Sunday morning).
  3. Are you firing .30-06 or .308 ammo.
  4. In addition to the Airborne scenario on Saturday morning, are you also equip to participate in the beach landing Saturday afternoon as regular infantry.
Please let me know the above information ASAP. More information can be found on the event website at
