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June 7, 2009

D-Day training after action report and proposed new training date

B Co, 502 PIR

6 June 2009,

Subject: After action report

To: B Co, 502

We started the day 0800 with breakfast at a small Cafe on the outskirts of Saint Mer-Zoar. At 0930 we formed-up and advanced to our assembly area where we were instructed in basic compass and map reading by Bulldog Smith. This was very informative and critical learning for our upcoming mission.

At 1230 we briefly reviewed hand signals and the basic squad formations and their respective strengths and weakness are. Formations reviewed were squad column closed, column open, column with scouts out and flank guards posted, forming into a skirmish line and skirmish line right and left, squad wedge and the diamond formation for patrolling. A brief demonstration was given on the crawl, low crawl, getting up from a crawl position and observation.

We moved out to take our objective, the Saint Mer-Zoar Bridge of the Tuscany Canal at 1300 in simulated night patrol formation, closed up column. Our former Marine, Robert Eddy played the role of hidden observer/enemy. The critical observations and recommendations given from this observation were extremely helpful and useful. After taking the bridge form the local fishermen we rested and regrouped for our second mission, the log pile. We assembled for our second mission at 1400 and moved out in extended open column formation. We moved our way through narrow paths and dense growth in near perfect formation. Our movement was quite and deliberate so much so that our scout was able to kick out a hiding deer only 20 yards away. The deer didn't run very far acting confused at what it was actually seeing.

We stepped of with our assault on the log pile at 1430 breaking up into three teams, Able (Scouts) Baker (base of fire) and Charlie (assault team). We were a little slow in getting into position for the attack and were spotted by our observer. Our observer's recommendation will require more work on this part.

Next training date;

Our next training date is scheduled for late afternoon and the evening of 26 June, 2009. Start time to be determined, but I would like to propose 1730 - 1800. The training will be composed of two parts, a compass course (we will split up into small 2-3 man groups using our compasses and maps to locate and move to and from designated points and then meet at a rally point). The second part of the training will be night patrolling, this is critical for achieving success in the upcoming POW event later this year or spring of next year.

I would like to thank everyone who attended for their professionalism and dedication to this unit and hobby. We have an excellent group and it is an honor to serve as your commander. From current observations, feedback and past experience we are on our way to becoming one of the better if not the best unit in the WWII reenactment community. With that said I promise you all too work on and improve areas that I am not as proficient in as others. Thank you all for your faith in me; it is a responsibility I do not take lightly.

Sgt Co B

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