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June 6, 2013

Baker Company Update

Hello troopers: It has been a few months since we were at Operation Nordwind in Pennsylvania so I wanted to bring you up to speed on our ops over the next few months. First though, I want to welcome Steve and Nick Barto to the unit. They are our third father and son members to enlist. Both Steve and Nick (along with Mrs. Barto) have been Civil War reenactors for a number of years. I wonder how they found out about Baker Company? Hmmmm.

We have two events coming up this summer. Here is a quick pre-brief on both.

20-21 JUL - Ride Through History, Alliance, OH

This will be the fourth year we have attended this event and it is always a good time. Many of our partner reenacting units will be there. As a matter of fact, this event has grown so large there isn't nearly enough space for all of the WWII reenactors to participate in the scenarios every time they are "performed" through the day.

With this in mind, I spoke to Sgt. Cabrera and he agreed that we will rotate a few of the 101st personnel into the scenarios but use the bulk of the time back in the military camp for drill, weapons and tactics training. This is highly important because we have quite a few new personnel in the unit (some BRAND NEW as mentioned above). It is the responsibility of all of us to get these folks ready for operations at D-Day Conneaut.

If you are new to the unit, you NEED to be at this event in July (even if you don't have all of your stuff) if you want to participate in COMBAT operations at Conneaut. Plus, it is always a good thing for us to come together and shake off the rust.

16-17 AUG - D-Day, Conneaut, OH

At this time, it looks as if we will have 19 personnel at this event. Sgt. Cabrera has passed along to me that we will split into TWO squads for this event with he and Bob Penix (also heading the machine gun crew) taking one squad and Chris Bauer and Mike Oakley taking the other. Personnel will be divided up so that less experienced guys will be put together more experienced guys in each squad.

IMPORTANT! Please remember to register for D-Day. It's free. If you walk-on, it is $10. No-brainer. Remember to register as Unit: Other, Impression: 101st Airborne, Company B. Don't put any tentage down. We have that covered.

We will have warning orders on both of these events as we get closer. I just wanted to give you some indication of what to make plans for.

Bulldog, over and out.

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