As you know, this upcoming Saturday will be there laying of the wreaths at the National Cemetery in Rittman, Ohio which is part of the 2013 National Remembrance Day. We have 8 personnel signed up at the moment but I know a few of you still have to put your names down (please do so at A map and times can be found at this link too. If you can arrive a little before 0900 that would probably be a good idea.
For those of you attending, here are a few details (we are representing the Battle of the Bulge timeline):
UOD: M43s (clean please)
Two-buckle or jump boots
Helmet (no net or scrim)
Webgear with musette bag (NO AMMUNITION)
It will be COLD so I also recommend a jeep cap for under your helmet, wool OD scarf and gloves (either the leather palm WWII field gloves or the OD wool gloves). If you have extra of these items, please bring them for someone who may not have them yet. If you have shoe packs and/or the long wool overcoat, you may want to wear those as well. Long johns are also a must and put some of those chemical hand warmers in your pockets if you have them. Safety first. I don’t want anyone missing any fingers or toes when this is all done. Make sure you have the 101st patch on your uniforms in good order. We will be in the public eye!
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Christopher Smith, Chairman
Company B, 502nd PIR, 101st Airborne Division
Search The News
December 9, 2013
November 10, 2013
Minutes of Annual B/502 Meeting
365th Fighter Group Restaurant, Canton, OH
22 members in attendance
1. 2013 Unit Debrief (events, recruiting, Tuscazoar)
Members briefly discussed the events attended in 2013 and the success of the Tuscazoar event.
2. Christmas Party, 7 DEC, 1700 hrs., Aurora, OH
Members where reminded to register for the Christmas Dinner at
Potential 502nd vet to be guest. Andrew Messing to check on this.
3. National Remembrance Day, WR Cemetery, Rittman, OH (14 DEC)
The platoon will be standing “guard” over the veteran wreaths prior to placement at the Rittman National Cemetery.
The platoon will be outfitted in “Battle of the Bulge” configuration.
Members were asked to register their participation at
4. Apply for non-profit status
Discussion of the pros and cons of filing for incorporation as a 501c(3) non-profit educational organization.
A motion was made and passed to begin the filing process.
Funds from the Tuscazoar event will be used for the filing fees.
Ford Motor Company has expressed an interest in supporting the unit once non-profit status is official. Other companies were discussed as well as working with a grant writer.
5. Addition of Secretary/Treasurer to organization (amend Bylaws)
In preparation for operating as a non-profit organization, the membership passed an amendment to the organization Bylaws to include a Secretary/Treasurer in addition to the Chairman.
6. New members: Uniforms and equipment, training, other needs/information.
New members where asked what needs they have to be ready for the 2014. The biggest request was for training prior to Operation Nordwind.
Weapons, ammo, uniforms and gear were discussed. New members were directed to get with Mark Gaynor.
Mark also encouraged everyone to start collecting ammo. We are going to look into the possibility of buying more bulk .308 and getting more M1s converted.
7. Review of the Bylaws platoon structure:
It preparation of discussing the structure of the unit, a review of the Bylaws showed that they were written in such a way to allow for the re-structure of the military unit without amending the Bylaws.
8. Restructure of the unit into a platoon:
As the unit currently has 31 members, a proposal was put forth to restructure as a platoon.
Victor Cabrera, Chris Bauer and Chris Smith had previously researched the WWII platoon.
Using “Organization of Infantry Rifle Company, Parachute, T/O and E 7-37, 24 FEB 44”, an org chart was presented to the unit.
This structure would allow future personnel growth and also allow the creation of a third squad (per T/O and E 7-37T, 16 DEC 44).
A motion was made and passed to reorganize the unit into the following platoon with said personnel assigned into leadership roles.
Personnel will be assigned to squads in DEC.
Penix, Krause, Youngman and Spade were also promoted to T-5 grade as senior personnel.
Platoon Leader, 1st Lt. Victor Cabrera
Asst. Platoon Leader, 2nd Lt. Chris Smith
Platoon Sergeant, SSgt. Chris Bauer
Squad Leader, Sgt. Mark Gaynor
Asst. Squad Leader, Cpl. Eric Muehlenbein
Machine Gunner
Asst. Machine Gunner
Ammunition Bearer
7 Rifleman
Squad Leader, Sgt. Mike Oakley
Asst. Squad Leader, Cpl. Clay Cessna
2 Scouts
8 Rifleman
9. Appointments vs. elections for first year:
A motion was made and passed to accept the appointments for this year and to proceed with nominations and elections during out annual NOV meeting in an election year (2014).
10. Training:
A leadership training day will be held in Zoar, OH in FEB. All members are permitted to attend by the officers and NCOs are required to attend. Date to be announced.
A drill and tactical training day will be held early in MAR to prep the unit (especially new members) for Operation Nordwind.
11. Events for 2014 (* denotes platoon max effort event). The unit will be using EventBrite to confirm member attendance for events:
27-30 MAR - Operation Nordwind, Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA*
17-18 MAY - Armed Forces Day Show, Findlay, OH
19-20 JUL - Ride Through History, Alliance, OH*
22-23 AUG - D-Day, Conneaut, OH*
2 AUG - Bridge at Ramagen, PA (as regular infantry)
SEP - Eisenhower Farm Living History, Gettysburg, PA*
OCT - Camp Tuscazoar Tactical, Dover, OH*
12. A motion was made and passed for the unit to again host the Camp Tuscazoar Tactical in 2014. More members are to help plan and run the event. Date to be confirmed by Mark Gaynor. Most likely to be the weekend of 11 OCT.
13. Meeting was adjourned and lunch was consumed.
Submitted, 10 NOV 2013
Christopher Smith
365th Fighter Group Restaurant, Canton, OH
22 members in attendance
1. 2013 Unit Debrief (events, recruiting, Tuscazoar)
Members briefly discussed the events attended in 2013 and the success of the Tuscazoar event.
2. Christmas Party, 7 DEC, 1700 hrs., Aurora, OH
Members where reminded to register for the Christmas Dinner at
Potential 502nd vet to be guest. Andrew Messing to check on this.
3. National Remembrance Day, WR Cemetery, Rittman, OH (14 DEC)
The platoon will be standing “guard” over the veteran wreaths prior to placement at the Rittman National Cemetery.
The platoon will be outfitted in “Battle of the Bulge” configuration.
Members were asked to register their participation at
4. Apply for non-profit status
Discussion of the pros and cons of filing for incorporation as a 501c(3) non-profit educational organization.
A motion was made and passed to begin the filing process.
Funds from the Tuscazoar event will be used for the filing fees.
Ford Motor Company has expressed an interest in supporting the unit once non-profit status is official. Other companies were discussed as well as working with a grant writer.
5. Addition of Secretary/Treasurer to organization (amend Bylaws)
In preparation for operating as a non-profit organization, the membership passed an amendment to the organization Bylaws to include a Secretary/Treasurer in addition to the Chairman.
6. New members: Uniforms and equipment, training, other needs/information.
New members where asked what needs they have to be ready for the 2014. The biggest request was for training prior to Operation Nordwind.
Weapons, ammo, uniforms and gear were discussed. New members were directed to get with Mark Gaynor.
Mark also encouraged everyone to start collecting ammo. We are going to look into the possibility of buying more bulk .308 and getting more M1s converted.
7. Review of the Bylaws platoon structure:
It preparation of discussing the structure of the unit, a review of the Bylaws showed that they were written in such a way to allow for the re-structure of the military unit without amending the Bylaws.
8. Restructure of the unit into a platoon:
As the unit currently has 31 members, a proposal was put forth to restructure as a platoon.
Victor Cabrera, Chris Bauer and Chris Smith had previously researched the WWII platoon.
Using “Organization of Infantry Rifle Company, Parachute, T/O and E 7-37, 24 FEB 44”, an org chart was presented to the unit.
This structure would allow future personnel growth and also allow the creation of a third squad (per T/O and E 7-37T, 16 DEC 44).
A motion was made and passed to reorganize the unit into the following platoon with said personnel assigned into leadership roles.
Personnel will be assigned to squads in DEC.
Penix, Krause, Youngman and Spade were also promoted to T-5 grade as senior personnel.
Platoon Leader, 1st Lt. Victor Cabrera
Asst. Platoon Leader, 2nd Lt. Chris Smith
Platoon Sergeant, SSgt. Chris Bauer
Squad Leader, Sgt. Mark Gaynor
Asst. Squad Leader, Cpl. Eric Muehlenbein
Machine Gunner
Asst. Machine Gunner
Ammunition Bearer
7 Rifleman
Squad Leader, Sgt. Mike Oakley
Asst. Squad Leader, Cpl. Clay Cessna
2 Scouts
8 Rifleman
9. Appointments vs. elections for first year:
A motion was made and passed to accept the appointments for this year and to proceed with nominations and elections during out annual NOV meeting in an election year (2014).
10. Training:
A leadership training day will be held in Zoar, OH in FEB. All members are permitted to attend by the officers and NCOs are required to attend. Date to be announced.
A drill and tactical training day will be held early in MAR to prep the unit (especially new members) for Operation Nordwind.
11. Events for 2014 (* denotes platoon max effort event). The unit will be using EventBrite to confirm member attendance for events:
27-30 MAR - Operation Nordwind, Ft. Indiantown Gap, PA*
17-18 MAY - Armed Forces Day Show, Findlay, OH
19-20 JUL - Ride Through History, Alliance, OH*
22-23 AUG - D-Day, Conneaut, OH*
2 AUG - Bridge at Ramagen, PA (as regular infantry)
SEP - Eisenhower Farm Living History, Gettysburg, PA*
OCT - Camp Tuscazoar Tactical, Dover, OH*
12. A motion was made and passed for the unit to again host the Camp Tuscazoar Tactical in 2014. More members are to help plan and run the event. Date to be confirmed by Mark Gaynor. Most likely to be the weekend of 11 OCT.
13. Meeting was adjourned and lunch was consumed.
Submitted, 10 NOV 2013
Christopher Smith
October 16, 2013
Good feedback on Tuscazoar
I am happy to report that we are getting a lot of good feedback on the Operation Market-Garden event this past weekend hosted by our own 502nd, Co. B.
As some of you know, Mike Felmlee was unable to attend as the Allied Commander due to a family emergency (Tim Learman fill in without missing a beat). Here is an email Mike received about the event. Enjoy.
"I wanted to take a moment to write about this event having just returned home from the 6 hour drive from it. It was fantastic and worth the drive. I was very impressed how smoothly everything ran even though every worst case scenario seemed to happen in the last moments before the event took place. Your team really stepped forward, made timely decisions, changed plans, adopted new roles and still maintained a really positive attitude.
This event was simply amazing. While this was majorly an American -vs- German event, your staff and the command did a great job making my British troops feel welcomed and valued. The stand-in Allied commander played to our strengths and asked my thoughts on how best to employ my unit. We came up with a cunning plan that was both historically appropriate and very enjoyable for both the British and the Germans while still supporting the main focus of the event and Allied objective.
Also, when we arrived to check in, we were given the option of billeting… and it was suggested that we take the "Troop 5 cabin". We went down to check it out and WOW!! we quickly took it. It was perfect to our needs. The team at check in were very helpful and friendly.
A word on the meals provided this event… YUM!!! Once again you hit a home run. My unit was amazed at the quality of the food and the amount. We have never eaten so well at an event before when the food was provided by an event organizer. Please pass on our thanks to the mess section.
The battle was very good, even with the limited numbers on the German side. Our small part of it was action filled and the Germans played very well and the amazing thing was that no hits were called and everyone kept the game going. After the battle, the dinner swap/selling and just general camaraderie was excellent. We enjoyed ourselves immensely.
I cannot begin to express my unit's appreciation for you and your group by putting on such a well planned and executed event. We all hope that you will want to do this same event again next year as we would welcome a chance to attend and occupy "Troop 5 Cabin" again. This event was well worth the 6-8 hour drives my members had to make. We have driven less to "more established" events and they have never come as close to the enjoyment level that your event provided. Mike, events like yours is the reason why I got into this hobby over 25 years ago. In all that time, only less than a dozen events can be grouped into the same high caliber event that you and your group just put on. Well done and thank-you for putting on such an enjoyable event.
Best Regards,
Stephen Keller
3 Para (1st British Airborne Div)"
As some of you know, Mike Felmlee was unable to attend as the Allied Commander due to a family emergency (Tim Learman fill in without missing a beat). Here is an email Mike received about the event. Enjoy.
"I wanted to take a moment to write about this event having just returned home from the 6 hour drive from it. It was fantastic and worth the drive. I was very impressed how smoothly everything ran even though every worst case scenario seemed to happen in the last moments before the event took place. Your team really stepped forward, made timely decisions, changed plans, adopted new roles and still maintained a really positive attitude.
This event was simply amazing. While this was majorly an American -vs- German event, your staff and the command did a great job making my British troops feel welcomed and valued. The stand-in Allied commander played to our strengths and asked my thoughts on how best to employ my unit. We came up with a cunning plan that was both historically appropriate and very enjoyable for both the British and the Germans while still supporting the main focus of the event and Allied objective.
Also, when we arrived to check in, we were given the option of billeting… and it was suggested that we take the "Troop 5 cabin". We went down to check it out and WOW!! we quickly took it. It was perfect to our needs. The team at check in were very helpful and friendly.
A word on the meals provided this event… YUM!!! Once again you hit a home run. My unit was amazed at the quality of the food and the amount. We have never eaten so well at an event before when the food was provided by an event organizer. Please pass on our thanks to the mess section.
The battle was very good, even with the limited numbers on the German side. Our small part of it was action filled and the Germans played very well and the amazing thing was that no hits were called and everyone kept the game going. After the battle, the dinner swap/selling and just general camaraderie was excellent. We enjoyed ourselves immensely.
I cannot begin to express my unit's appreciation for you and your group by putting on such a well planned and executed event. We all hope that you will want to do this same event again next year as we would welcome a chance to attend and occupy "Troop 5 Cabin" again. This event was well worth the 6-8 hour drives my members had to make. We have driven less to "more established" events and they have never come as close to the enjoyment level that your event provided. Mike, events like yours is the reason why I got into this hobby over 25 years ago. In all that time, only less than a dozen events can be grouped into the same high caliber event that you and your group just put on. Well done and thank-you for putting on such an enjoyable event.
Best Regards,
Stephen Keller
3 Para (1st British Airborne Div)"
September 10, 2013
Baker Company Annual Meeting
Mark your calendars. The date and time is set. The annual 502nd, Company B meeting will be held on 9 NOV 2013 at 1000 hrs. Location will be the 356th Fighter Group Restaurant just off the runway of the Akron-Canton Airport (4919 Mt. Pleasant Rd., North Canton, OH).
Uniform of the Day will be M42s (clean and pressed with polished jump boots) with shirt and tie. The business portion of the meeting will be followed by lunch from the menu. All members are invited to attend. If you don't have your uniform yet, come as you are!
If you have any questions please contact Chris Smith at
Uniform of the Day will be M42s (clean and pressed with polished jump boots) with shirt and tie. The business portion of the meeting will be followed by lunch from the menu. All members are invited to attend. If you don't have your uniform yet, come as you are!
If you have any questions please contact Chris Smith at
September 4, 2013
327th Glider Infantry at Tuscazoar Tactical
For those of you straight leg infantry folks who are coming to Tuscazoar, our Allied Commander Mike Felmlee has published an document outlining the uniforms and equipment for a 327th Glider Infantry Operation Market Garden impression. Very simple if you already have the M-43 uniform. The plan is to get Allied personnel who don't already portray Airborne infantry to try and field this impression. If you have any thoughts and/or questions, please Mike at
Click the link to download the document.
Click the link to download the document.
August 31, 2013
Tons of photos from D-Day
A tip of the helmet to all of the photographers working at D-Day 2013 in Conneaut, Ohio. They captured some fantastic photos including a lot of action pics featuring Company B of the 502nd. Take a look at the nearly 10,000 images!
August 23, 2013
Market Garden tactical a little more than a month away!
Time is fast approaching and we are about to release details on impressions and schedule. Before we can tell people their building assignments, your unit members NEED to register first!
What you get for your registration:
Indoor billeting for the first 184 reenactors in heated cabins. Space is available for outdoor bivouac areas. No foxholes are permitted.
Saturday and Sunday breakfast, and Saturday night dinner at the indoor mess hall.
Indoor and outdoor restroom facilities.
Water and firewood.
Period military vehicles welcome. Go to this link for more information and how to register.
What you get for your registration:
Indoor billeting for the first 184 reenactors in heated cabins. Space is available for outdoor bivouac areas. No foxholes are permitted.
Saturday and Sunday breakfast, and Saturday night dinner at the indoor mess hall.
Indoor and outdoor restroom facilities.
Water and firewood.
Period military vehicles welcome. Go to this link for more information and how to register.
August 22, 2013
Images from D-Day
Our good friend Andy Donaldson shot the hell out of events at D-Day this past weekend. He has posted a menu of links to his work on his blog at Photos from all of the official photographers (including Andy) will start going up on the event website later this week.
A big thanks to all of you from Baker Company who participated. A fine job was done by our group of dedicated and highly trained reenactors. Each of you should be proud. All those hours of training training training really pays off. Thanks to our NCOs for keeping us on task and thanks to the event organizers for another fantastic weekend!
A big thanks to all of you from Baker Company who participated. A fine job was done by our group of dedicated and highly trained reenactors. Each of you should be proud. All those hours of training training training really pays off. Thanks to our NCOs for keeping us on task and thanks to the event organizers for another fantastic weekend!
August 21, 2013
Welcome Texas GPR
The 1st Allied Airborne WWII Reenactors would like to welcome our newest member-unit from Texas. No. 2 Wing, Glider Pilot Regiment (GPR), 1st British Airborne Division. Unit Commander Mick Stewart and his guys recently started the group and wanted to get involved with the 1st AA's network of fellow Airborne reenactors. You can check out their website at
Happy to have you gents as part of the organization!
Happy to have you gents as part of the organization!
August 16, 2013
Happy Birthday 101st Airborne!
71 years ago today, the 101st Airborne Division was activated 16 August 1942 at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana. On 19 August 1942, its first commander, Major General William C. Lee, promised his new recruits that the 101st had "no history but had a rendezvous with destiny." In his first address to his soldiers the day the division was born, Lee read General Order Number 5 dated 19 August 1942:
"The 101st Airborne Division, which was activated on 16 August 1942, at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, has no history, but it has a rendezvous with destiny.
Due to the nature of our armament, and the tactics in which we shall perfect ourselves, we shall be called upon to carry out operations of far-reaching military importance and we shall habitually go into action when the need is immediate and extreme.
Let me call your attention to the fact that our badge is the great American eagle. This is a fitting emblem for a division that will crush its enemies by falling upon them like a thunderbolt from the skies.
The history we shall make, the record of high achievement we hope to write in the annals of the American Army and the American people, depends wholly and completely on the men of this division. Each individual, each officer and each enlisted man, must therefore regard himself as a necessary part of a complex and powerful instrument for the overcoming of the enemies of the nation. Each, in his own job, must realize that he is not only a means, but an indispensable means for obtaining the goal of victory. It is, therefore, not too much to say that the future itself, in whose molding we expect to have our share, is in the hands of the soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division."
"The 101st Airborne Division, which was activated on 16 August 1942, at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, has no history, but it has a rendezvous with destiny.
Due to the nature of our armament, and the tactics in which we shall perfect ourselves, we shall be called upon to carry out operations of far-reaching military importance and we shall habitually go into action when the need is immediate and extreme.
Let me call your attention to the fact that our badge is the great American eagle. This is a fitting emblem for a division that will crush its enemies by falling upon them like a thunderbolt from the skies.
The history we shall make, the record of high achievement we hope to write in the annals of the American Army and the American people, depends wholly and completely on the men of this division. Each individual, each officer and each enlisted man, must therefore regard himself as a necessary part of a complex and powerful instrument for the overcoming of the enemies of the nation. Each, in his own job, must realize that he is not only a means, but an indispensable means for obtaining the goal of victory. It is, therefore, not too much to say that the future itself, in whose molding we expect to have our share, is in the hands of the soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division."
August 1, 2013
Register for the Camp Tuscazoar
Attention troops. Believe it or not, we are in the final stretch of registration for the Operation Market Garden tactical at Camp Tuscazoar. Before you know it, we will be in to October!
The event will be held on the weekend of the 12th and 13th of October with earliest arrival on the 11th at noon. Registration for this invitation-only event is $35.00 per person and includes the following amenities:
- Indoor billeting for the first 184 reenactors in heated cabins. Space is available for outdoor bivouac areas. No foxholes are permitted.
- Indoor and outdoor restroom facilities.
- Water and firewood.
- Saturday and Sunday breakfast, and Saturday night dinner at the indoor mess hall.
- Battle scenarios revolve around Operation Market Garden and will include a bridge battle.
- Plenty of operational areas to work in. Corrcet period vehicles are more than welcome. There is a good off-loading site for trailers.
- Atlantic Wall Blanks will be on site for ammo sales.
- Saturday night social and flea market at the mess hall. Bring anything you are looking to trade or sell and trwo it out on a table.
Only members of pre-approved units can register. See the list of units under "Military Impression" when you click the green Register button on Eventbrite. We welcome you to submit your unit for approval, contact the following personnel:
ALLED UNITS: Mike Felmlee,
The event will be limited to 186 personnel. ALL reenactors MUST register in advance. NO WALK-ONS are permitted. Transfer of registrations must be coordinated through the event no later than October 1, 2013. If you have any registration questions, please contact Chris Smith (
There is limited space for vendors at the event. Please contact Mark Gaynor ( with questions about purchasing your vendor space.
We highly encourage participants to bring their military vehicles to use as part of the operations. There are plenty of areas where they can be driven. Vehicles must be correct for the time period and impression. Please contact Mark Gaynor ( if you plan to bring a military vehicle to the event.
Please go to and click on the Tuscazoar WWII Tactical button. Make sure to read ALL of the information. If you click on the "Register Now" button, there is additional information before you actually register.
The event will be held on the weekend of the 12th and 13th of October with earliest arrival on the 11th at noon. Registration for this invitation-only event is $35.00 per person and includes the following amenities:
- Indoor billeting for the first 184 reenactors in heated cabins. Space is available for outdoor bivouac areas. No foxholes are permitted.
- Indoor and outdoor restroom facilities.
- Water and firewood.
- Saturday and Sunday breakfast, and Saturday night dinner at the indoor mess hall.
- Battle scenarios revolve around Operation Market Garden and will include a bridge battle.
- Plenty of operational areas to work in. Corrcet period vehicles are more than welcome. There is a good off-loading site for trailers.
- Atlantic Wall Blanks will be on site for ammo sales.
- Saturday night social and flea market at the mess hall. Bring anything you are looking to trade or sell and trwo it out on a table.
Only members of pre-approved units can register. See the list of units under "Military Impression" when you click the green Register button on Eventbrite. We welcome you to submit your unit for approval, contact the following personnel:
ALLED UNITS: Mike Felmlee,
The event will be limited to 186 personnel. ALL reenactors MUST register in advance. NO WALK-ONS are permitted. Transfer of registrations must be coordinated through the event no later than October 1, 2013. If you have any registration questions, please contact Chris Smith (
There is limited space for vendors at the event. Please contact Mark Gaynor ( with questions about purchasing your vendor space.
We highly encourage participants to bring their military vehicles to use as part of the operations. There are plenty of areas where they can be driven. Vehicles must be correct for the time period and impression. Please contact Mark Gaynor ( if you plan to bring a military vehicle to the event.
Please go to and click on the Tuscazoar WWII Tactical button. Make sure to read ALL of the information. If you click on the "Register Now" button, there is additional information before you actually register.
June 6, 2013
Baker Company Update
Hello troopers: It has been a few months since we were at Operation Nordwind in Pennsylvania so I wanted to bring you up to speed on our ops over the next few months. First though, I want to welcome Steve and Nick Barto to the unit. They are our third father and son members to enlist. Both Steve and Nick (along with Mrs. Barto) have been Civil War reenactors for a number of years. I wonder how they found out about Baker Company? Hmmmm.
We have two events coming up this summer. Here is a quick pre-brief on both.
20-21 JUL - Ride Through History, Alliance, OH
This will be the fourth year we have attended this event and it is always a good time. Many of our partner reenacting units will be there. As a matter of fact, this event has grown so large there isn't nearly enough space for all of the WWII reenactors to participate in the scenarios every time they are "performed" through the day.
With this in mind, I spoke to Sgt. Cabrera and he agreed that we will rotate a few of the 101st personnel into the scenarios but use the bulk of the time back in the military camp for drill, weapons and tactics training. This is highly important because we have quite a few new personnel in the unit (some BRAND NEW as mentioned above). It is the responsibility of all of us to get these folks ready for operations at D-Day Conneaut.
If you are new to the unit, you NEED to be at this event in July (even if you don't have all of your stuff) if you want to participate in COMBAT operations at Conneaut. Plus, it is always a good thing for us to come together and shake off the rust.
16-17 AUG - D-Day, Conneaut, OH
At this time, it looks as if we will have 19 personnel at this event. Sgt. Cabrera has passed along to me that we will split into TWO squads for this event with he and Bob Penix (also heading the machine gun crew) taking one squad and Chris Bauer and Mike Oakley taking the other. Personnel will be divided up so that less experienced guys will be put together more experienced guys in each squad.
IMPORTANT! Please remember to register for D-Day. It's free. If you walk-on, it is $10. No-brainer. Remember to register as Unit: Other, Impression: 101st Airborne, Company B. Don't put any tentage down. We have that covered.
We will have warning orders on both of these events as we get closer. I just wanted to give you some indication of what to make plans for.
Bulldog, over and out.
We have two events coming up this summer. Here is a quick pre-brief on both.
20-21 JUL - Ride Through History, Alliance, OH
This will be the fourth year we have attended this event and it is always a good time. Many of our partner reenacting units will be there. As a matter of fact, this event has grown so large there isn't nearly enough space for all of the WWII reenactors to participate in the scenarios every time they are "performed" through the day.
With this in mind, I spoke to Sgt. Cabrera and he agreed that we will rotate a few of the 101st personnel into the scenarios but use the bulk of the time back in the military camp for drill, weapons and tactics training. This is highly important because we have quite a few new personnel in the unit (some BRAND NEW as mentioned above). It is the responsibility of all of us to get these folks ready for operations at D-Day Conneaut.
If you are new to the unit, you NEED to be at this event in July (even if you don't have all of your stuff) if you want to participate in COMBAT operations at Conneaut. Plus, it is always a good thing for us to come together and shake off the rust.
16-17 AUG - D-Day, Conneaut, OH
At this time, it looks as if we will have 19 personnel at this event. Sgt. Cabrera has passed along to me that we will split into TWO squads for this event with he and Bob Penix (also heading the machine gun crew) taking one squad and Chris Bauer and Mike Oakley taking the other. Personnel will be divided up so that less experienced guys will be put together more experienced guys in each squad.
IMPORTANT! Please remember to register for D-Day. It's free. If you walk-on, it is $10. No-brainer. Remember to register as Unit: Other, Impression: 101st Airborne, Company B. Don't put any tentage down. We have that covered.
We will have warning orders on both of these events as we get closer. I just wanted to give you some indication of what to make plans for.
Bulldog, over and out.
May 6, 2013
2013 D-Day registration online starting May 8th
Online registration will start in just a few days (May 8th) for the 2013 D-Day Reenactment in Conneaut, OH - August 16-17. Pre-registration is FREE but if you wait to register on-site, there is a $10 fee.
Please read ALL of the instructions on the registration page at
We will be distributing more unit specific information in the coming months. Baker Company: If you have any questions, please email Chris Smith or message him on Facebook.
Please read ALL of the instructions on the registration page at
We will be distributing more unit specific information in the coming months. Baker Company: If you have any questions, please email Chris Smith or message him on Facebook.
March 26, 2013
Brits join the Airborne Reenactors group
The 1st Allied Airborne WWII Reenactors would like to welcome a new unit to our alliance. The 6th Airborne Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment from Texas is a non-profit organization of volunteers who spend time and effort collecting and crewing armored vehicles of the type used by the 6th AARR in its operations during WWII. They participate in demonstrations for the public as well as private gatherings of like-minded clubs in Texas and her neighboring states.
Check out their website at
March 14, 2013
Operation Nordwind After Action Report
Greetings Baker Co., of the 502nd/101st!
What an amazing Event we had at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania Operation Nordwind. The event was based on the last major German offensive of World War II on the Western Front. It began on 31 December 1944 in Alsace and Lorraine in northeastern France, and it ended on 25 January.
Thanks to the preparation, training and hard work Baker Co. did to make it happen. Everything went smoothly as planned. No one got hurt and everyone had a good time. Goes to show a little training can go a long way when it really counts.
Intelligence and Reconnaissance Platoon was split-up into 2 squads, Baker Co of the 502nd/101st being 1st Squad and the 8th, 9th & 83rd were merged together to form 2nd Squad. The German's went first to set up the defensive line while the Allied forces were on the offensive. It didn't take long for the I and R Platoon to encounter the German line and the battle began. What really impressed me was the speed and the tactics implemented to attack the German defenses when we were pinned down by German Anti-tank gun. We took some casualties but we were able to neutralize the enemy position with their main gun.
Rest of the day consisted mainly of mopping up the stronghold of the Germans with our Armored tanks till a squad of German Wehrmacht captured one of our M8 armored vehicle. Used it on us with the 50 Cal. machine gun and cut us to pieces. Wow what an ending for the rest of the day.
By the next day, it was time to redeem our Platoon. The Platoon has now grown to 3 squads as more people showed up. The 502nd/101st (1st squad), the 8th and 9th (2nd squad) and the 83rd (3rd squad) respectively. Our mission was to Recon the Bridge at Check Point "Rattler" which was the bridge, report any enemy activity in the area and if deserted, defend and hold the bridge for main Allied forces to get through.
I and R Platoon split up into 3 defensive positions to cover the bridge. 2nd and 3rd squad was at the south side while 1st Squad 502nd/101st (Baker Co.) covered the north side of the bridge. We were set-up hidden behind the creek bed as the German Side Car scouts and Horse Cavalry left us undetected. It wasn't long before the German half-truck and Panzer to show up to lead the charge with the German Army behind them. 2nd and 3rd Squad of I and R Platoon opened a suppressive fire from the south side of the bridge drawing enemy fire. The narrow opening of the bridge kept the armored vehicles limited in mobility, as they maneuvered back and forth.
This left a huge window of opportunity for Baker Co. to attack the Panzer and half-truck from the rear. We came out of the woods guns blazing and planted a grenade in each of the vehicles. Didn't take long for the remaining Germans to scatter and took defeat with astonishment. Baker Co. took the Germans by surprise with speed and accuracy that they smiled and gave us a steady applause!
When the Allied forces finally crossed the bridge, they were in amazement as to how a small band of brothers from Recon Platoon decimated the the German Panzer Blitzkrieg. Needless to say the Allied Armored Div was disappointed that they never got to face the Panzers haha!
Rest of the day consisted of pushing the German Line back to their starting Check Point " Boa". I and R Platoon was on the north side of the hill giving support to the Allied Command.
All in all an awesome job well done. Till the next event and always be ready! Lastly stay sharp!
I remain,
Sgt. Hollywood
Greetings Baker Co., of the 502nd/101st!
What an amazing Event we had at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania Operation Nordwind. The event was based on the last major German offensive of World War II on the Western Front. It began on 31 December 1944 in Alsace and Lorraine in northeastern France, and it ended on 25 January.
Thanks to the preparation, training and hard work Baker Co. did to make it happen. Everything went smoothly as planned. No one got hurt and everyone had a good time. Goes to show a little training can go a long way when it really counts.
Intelligence and Reconnaissance Platoon was split-up into 2 squads, Baker Co of the 502nd/101st being 1st Squad and the 8th, 9th & 83rd were merged together to form 2nd Squad. The German's went first to set up the defensive line while the Allied forces were on the offensive. It didn't take long for the I and R Platoon to encounter the German line and the battle began. What really impressed me was the speed and the tactics implemented to attack the German defenses when we were pinned down by German Anti-tank gun. We took some casualties but we were able to neutralize the enemy position with their main gun.
Rest of the day consisted mainly of mopping up the stronghold of the Germans with our Armored tanks till a squad of German Wehrmacht captured one of our M8 armored vehicle. Used it on us with the 50 Cal. machine gun and cut us to pieces. Wow what an ending for the rest of the day.
By the next day, it was time to redeem our Platoon. The Platoon has now grown to 3 squads as more people showed up. The 502nd/101st (1st squad), the 8th and 9th (2nd squad) and the 83rd (3rd squad) respectively. Our mission was to Recon the Bridge at Check Point "Rattler" which was the bridge, report any enemy activity in the area and if deserted, defend and hold the bridge for main Allied forces to get through.
I and R Platoon split up into 3 defensive positions to cover the bridge. 2nd and 3rd squad was at the south side while 1st Squad 502nd/101st (Baker Co.) covered the north side of the bridge. We were set-up hidden behind the creek bed as the German Side Car scouts and Horse Cavalry left us undetected. It wasn't long before the German half-truck and Panzer to show up to lead the charge with the German Army behind them. 2nd and 3rd Squad of I and R Platoon opened a suppressive fire from the south side of the bridge drawing enemy fire. The narrow opening of the bridge kept the armored vehicles limited in mobility, as they maneuvered back and forth.
This left a huge window of opportunity for Baker Co. to attack the Panzer and half-truck from the rear. We came out of the woods guns blazing and planted a grenade in each of the vehicles. Didn't take long for the remaining Germans to scatter and took defeat with astonishment. Baker Co. took the Germans by surprise with speed and accuracy that they smiled and gave us a steady applause!
When the Allied forces finally crossed the bridge, they were in amazement as to how a small band of brothers from Recon Platoon decimated the the German Panzer Blitzkrieg. Needless to say the Allied Armored Div was disappointed that they never got to face the Panzers haha!
Rest of the day consisted of pushing the German Line back to their starting Check Point " Boa". I and R Platoon was on the north side of the hill giving support to the Allied Command.
All in all an awesome job well done. Till the next event and always be ready! Lastly stay sharp!
I remain,
Sgt. Hollywood
March 12, 2013
Photos from 2013 Operation Nordwind
Thanks to all for a great weekend at Ft. Indiantown Gap's 2013 Operation Nordwind event. If you missed it, here are some photos from Bill Krause, Chris Bauer, and Chris Smith.
January 27, 2013
Recommended reading for WWII reenactors
As all of us have new members coming into the world of World War II reenacting, there is always a lot of training to bring people up to speed. For the new reenactor, one volume that comes highly recommended is "Parachute Rifle Company" by Robert Todd Ross. This book is written as a reference manual for those coming into the hobby and even more specific, those portraying Airborne infantry.
The book features many color photographs of Airborne reenactors which serve as a great reference for how to look like a paratrooper. There are also many bits of detailed information on everything from uniforms, equipment, unit organization, rations, weapons, and so much more.
For those "newbies" looking to get ahead of the curve or those "vets" who want yet another source for reference and research, this is worth the price of purchase.
"Parachute Rifle Company: A Living Historian's Introduction to the Organization, Equipment, Tactics and Techniques of the U.S. Army's Elite Airborne Troops in Combat on the Western Front of World War II" (yes... that is the full title) is available on
January 18, 2013
Latest news on Camp Atterbury
E Company 505th PIR 82nd Airborne and HQ 3rd
Army Staff want to invite you all to Camp Atterbury Indiana for our event.
April 12,13,14 2013 National Event at Camp Atterbury Indiana.
3rd U S Army moves east!
Scenario is Late War, the ETO in March / April 1945 with German forces being pushed back into Germany on all Fronts.
All Impressions, US, Brit, German, Russian, all invited.
All types of vehicles are permitted. Note, there will be no stipend paid for bringing them.
Scenario will include deployment on Friday evening and will continue through 1300(est) on Sunday.
April 12,13,14 2013 National Event at Camp Atterbury Indiana.
3rd U S Army moves east!
Scenario is Late War, the ETO in March / April 1945 with German forces being pushed back into Germany on all Fronts.
All Impressions, US, Brit, German, Russian, all invited.
All types of vehicles are permitted. Note, there will be no stipend paid for bringing them.
Scenario will include deployment on Friday evening and will continue through 1300(est) on Sunday.
January 2, 2013
NEED FEEDBACK - 1940's life skills weekend
This message is aimed at the the ladies attached to our troopers but us guys are invited too!
Sarah Felmlee of W.O.W.S.E.R (Women of World War II Seriously and Educationally Recreated) is putting together a 1940's life skills weekend at Camp Tuscazoar in Dover, OH. This will be a day full of lessons on culture, etiquette and other things to better your impression. It will culminate in a dinner and dance Saturday evening (yes, this is where they will need us guys). There were several conflicting activities in mid-February but Sarah has asked for some feedback on the dates February 8-10, 2013.
Guys, PLEASE have your better half contact Sarah ASAP so this can get pulled together. If anyone is interested in teaching a class, that is welcome too.
Email Sarah Felmlee at
Sarah Felmlee of W.O.W.S.E.R (Women of World War II Seriously and Educationally Recreated) is putting together a 1940's life skills weekend at Camp Tuscazoar in Dover, OH. This will be a day full of lessons on culture, etiquette and other things to better your impression. It will culminate in a dinner and dance Saturday evening (yes, this is where they will need us guys). There were several conflicting activities in mid-February but Sarah has asked for some feedback on the dates February 8-10, 2013.
Guys, PLEASE have your better half contact Sarah ASAP so this can get pulled together. If anyone is interested in teaching a class, that is welcome too.
Email Sarah Felmlee at
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