Baker Company will be holding a field training day in Zoar, OH on 12 March 2011 at 1000 hrs to work on patrol formations and hand signals primarily. If time permits we will go over manual of arms and close order drill.
Uniform of the day will be M43s if you have it or M42. Web gear and weapon if you have them. Dress for the weather as needed as we will be outside most of the time.
We will meet at Pvt Mark Gaynor's house and march to the shelter at the Arboretum for drill and instruction. If this date is not convenient for all or most that are attending FIG I suggest you read over the instruction manual that is available on our web site. We need to know patrol formations and hand signals to do our job at FIG.
Lets all try to make this drill and learn while having a little fun. For more information, contact Cpl Bob (Kirby) Penix,