Our organization has been requested to set up at an invitation-only event on September 26-27 in Alliance, Ohio for the Marlboro Volunteers' "Ride Through History".
This is part living history and part battle. As you know, spectators board military vehicles and make their way through open and wooded terrain coming across a Civil War battle and camps. Further down the trail they witness a World War II battle and trenches. Finally, they emerge from the woods at a Vietnam fire base.
I am coordinating with them on what kind of set up we will need. This may be a Market Garden scenario (M43 uniforms). We will be in the woods and we can get them to set up fox holes for us. I will have parachute and drop container we can string out in the trees. This set up is where we will live for the weekend as well.
Between our jump jockeys and glider-riders, I would like to have at least be at squad strength. Please let me know if you plan to attend by emailing me at chris@tinywarriors.com. I need to know how many of us will be there so we know how much room we will need. I would like to see some of our Airborne brothers from Michigan and PA attend.
You can visit the event web site at www.marlborovolunteersinc.com